2018 Q4 — bit4you quarterly overview!
A quarterly detailed overview of what has been going on with bit4you.
For the people that don’t know us, bit4you.io is a crypto exchange and a major European player in the crypto world complying to banking and financial regulations. We are the first subsidiary of Chainius Solutions which specialises in Blockchain development.
2018 Q4
It’s been an entire quarter since the launch of our platform!
So, what has happened in the past 3 months?
In the months and weeks preceding our launch, a partnership with Worldline was put into place. A leader in FinTech and more importantly for us online payments. With Worldline at our sides we are able to accept FIAT instantly, a major improvement compared to some other platforms.
A great partnership that made us both stronger, and hopefully will continue down this road as our vision together grow.
Another great partner for KYC is ITSME for our Belgian customers. Belgian citizens can login with ITSME and have their account easily verified as the needed information will be provided to us by ITSME.
For legal counsel and compliance to the financial and banking standards we are working with Eubelius, Belgium’s largest independent law firm.
Platform launch
Begin September we officially launched our platform where the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Development Cooperation, Alexander De Croo at the time, made the first transaction with major press outlets present that day.
We couldn’t wish for a better start!
A festive day calls for a special event. From the 1st till the 7th of November we lowered exchange fees to 0% and deposit fees to 1%.
This event attracted many enthusiasts and convinced them to take their first steps in the world of crypto.
Black Friday
We also had an event on Black Friday as we lowered fees for a weekend to 0% for both deposits and exchanges. A great increase of trading on our platform was a result of it.
Improved UX
Our landing page has been redone from scratch with some customer feedback in mind. UX and SEO were our main focus while developing our new landing page. Our conversion rate (for registering users) has since increased dramatically.
We added the possibility to send us feedback directly from our platform.
Feedback is always welcome and always discussed internally
Fund raising
A major capital raise has been achieved as we found more and more interested parties. With a select few we agreed on terms and made a giant leap in the right direction. Chainius Solutions was created and bit4you.io became it’s first subsidiary.
Mobile application
Lately we’ve been focussing on launching and improving our mobile application. An easy to use application to manage your bit4you account.
Trade, manage or just keep up to date with crypto news through our application!
bit4you is an European crypto assets exchange platform.
Facilitating your first step into the world of crypto is our mission.
Providing a complete set of blockchain related integrations, platforms and utilities is our vision.