What is CryptoArt?

3 min readOct 1, 2021

Crypto-art, or digital art with proven authenticity, is becoming increasingly popular among crypto enthusiasts. You can buy virtual pieces of art exactly as real paintings at galleries. Crypto-art is not only a terrific way for artists to become famous and earn money, but it is also a new stage in its evolution. In this article, you will get the answer to what is crypto-art — mainstream or new investment prospects?

What is CryptoArt? (by bit4you)

Combining cryptocurrencies and blockchain with great art may appear weird at first. However, because many spheres interact nowadays, forms of modern art such as street art, graffiti, and memes may find use in the crypto sector. Therefore, the concept of crypto-art emerged as a reinterpretation of traditional art. Crypto-art is a type of digital art whose authenticity is verified by a one-of-a-kind NFT, blockchain-based technology. In general, any digital image, 3D model, gif, movie, audio, or even tweet might be considered crypto-art.

It appears that there is no purpose in paying for an image on the Internet if you can download it. Despite that everyone can copy and distribute the picture, only the owner can dispose of the original only in the virtual environment. As a result, a lot of people invest in crypto-art in the hopes of subsequently selling it for a much higher price. Sometimes, people support creators financially, buying their crypto-art. Each purchaser of crypto art receives a one-of-a-kind blockchain certificate, which is kept in the blockchain and certifies ownership rights.

However, a significant and long-standing issue in the field of digital art is the ease with which it may be duplicated and distributed. When something is freely duplicated and replicated, the value of that asset falls, and the market perspective vanishes. Thus, blockchain assists digital artists in resolving this issue by introducing the concept of digital scarcity, which entails making a limited number of copies of goods and attaching them to unique tokens that guarantee ownership.

Nelly Baksht, a Toronto-based artist, for example, focuses on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology in her works. Nelly creates bright and uplifting paintings representing the building of a better world rather than the destruction of the old one by combining her artistic talent with her perspective of modern technology. Her work is not centered on popular industry memes, but rather on the social underpinnings of blockchain and decentralization as expressed through artistic expression. Nelly’s works are examples of crypto-art since everyone can buy it for cryptocurrency as a form of NFT.

Our former article about NFT market.

In conclusion, many artists and crypto enthusiasts consider the crypto-art and NFT market as an investment opportunity or a way to find the audience for their pieces of art. Only having an NFT token will allow you to sell or gift an object of art in the digital realm, as well as get a percentage of subsequent resales. Because CryptoArt is the first truly global art movement, artists from all over the world contribute to the creation of works. Digital art is currently in its infancy, spurred forward by technical innovation. The number of artists and community members will only grow. And there are compelling reasons to believe that CryptoArt represents an entirely new chapter in the history of art.

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Tatiana Leveria, Team bit4you




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