When to buy cryptocurrency.
The high volatility of the crypto market gives you the possibility of making fair amounts of money on digital assets. So, you need to catch the moment when to buy and when to sell. If you buy cryptocurrencies at the right moment, you can make a serious gain on your investment. A few months ago, traders and investors managed to make a nice profit on cryptocurrency. Bit4you is pleased to offer you its Demo mode. With its help, you can get a better understanding of the cryptocurrency market at no cost and choose the best strategy for trading or investment.
One of the main differences between cryptocurrencies and fiat money is high volatility. On the one hand, it is a disadvantage of digital assets. On the other hand, it gives you nice opportunities. The risks are also rising. It is worth evaluating several parameters with bit4you graphs and news sections in order not to be left with overpriced digital assets. Bit4you provides you with the opportunity to test different trading strategies in Demo mode.
- Enter into the crypto-assets market when the price is declining. For example, bitcoin, which has been growing during this year, may soon lose ground and fall in price several times. This will become a signal to buy it, after which the asset will go up again. Bit4you will make your start in the crypto world, very convenient and safe. If you check bit4you graphs, you may see the indicator that may give you the best moment to buy or sell crypto-assets. Also, bit4you sends from time to time notifications to its customers about the state of the market. Bit4you team does its best to provide you with the most useful daily information about cryptocurrency.
- Use only secure services. Scammers create exchange platforms to buy and sell cryptocurrency with the sole purpose of stealing user funds. If you transfer money to scammers, there is a chance you will lose your money. Check twice the website you are visiting.
- Fundamental factors. Evaluate the market, news background, economy of the country, monitor the situation and be able to predict. For example, what prospects does a project developing a cryptocurrency have for the near future, what can go wrong, and negatively affect the cost? Alas, it is not always possible to assess this with absolute certainty without daily news about the crypto market. Use the bit4you news section for your fundamental analysis. You can make predictions about cryptocurrency rates and prevent possible risks with Demo mode and get $100 000 of virtual money to train yourself before going into real trading.
- Choose the trading strategy. You need to understand not only the investment time but also determine the stop loss and take profit, which will help keep profit in short-term investments. You should choose a strategy and stick to it. Avoid impulsive decisions with the slightest fluctuations in the graph. Excessive emotionalism can lead to losses. The bit4you education section is a gold mine of information about all cryptocurrency processes. There all crypto ins and outs are described so you have all the necessary information in one place.
- Technical analysis of cryptocurrencies allows you to determine the set of markets and the main points of a possible change in price. Cryptocurrency chart analysis can demonstrate important horizontal levels, identify short-term and long-term trends, identify patterns for entering and exiting a trade, and understand the market reaction to the news background. Technical analysis requires special knowledge and skills. You can always find all the necessary charts and indicators on bit4you. It is worth taking into consideration the charts information and making your conclusion, based on the analysis. No one can be 100% sure that the market will move exactly according to the predicted scenario, but you can use your skills in practice using Demo mode and test how it works in each specific case.
- Buy cryptocurrency by installments. Entering the cryptocurrency market by installments is one of the most important rules of traders and investors. You can make the purchase of cryptocurrency as efficient as possible if you buy in parts. This will average the price of entering the market. Acquisition of an asset in small shares at different prices will help multiply your chances of a successful investment. At the same time, the time that remains between transactions will allow you to think again and assess the situation on the market. Bit4you provides you with an opportunity to buy each popular crypto-asset you wish. Don’t miss the chance to take advantage of such crypto diversity. There are more than 20 cryptocurrencies available on the platform. The opportunity to expand your crypto portfolio with the most profitable crypto-assets has never been so easy.
Analysts noted that there is a surge of interest in cryptocurrencies, which pushes their quotes up. The rise in the price of bitcoin due to the hopes that cryptocurrencies will become a common means of payment in the future. Some experts predict that the coin will continue to grow. Now we need to keep an eye on large investors also called whales. If they start selling Bitcoin stocks, this may be the right moment to take profits before the price drops. Bit4you’s news section may help you to choose the right strategy and to catch the best moment for buying and selling crypto.
Valentina BEREZA, Team bit4you